Unleash loyalty: Make customers feel heard and valued


Only 18% of prospects trust the salespeople they work with during sales processes, while 92% trust what they hear from customers


of B2B buyers base purchasing decisions on “direct or indirect customer experience.”


of B2B professionals trust peer and colleagues

Here’s What’s In It for You

Efficient Sales Process

Sales teams can quickly access the most relevant and accurate customer reference, streamlining the reference selection process and enabling them to close deals faster.

Enhanced Credibility

Leveraging authentic customer success stories builds trust with prospects, boosting the credibility of the sales pitch and increasing the likelihood of successful conversions.

Reduced Workload

Automating the reference matching process, sales representatives can focus more on selling and building relationships, reducing the administrative burden and improving overall productivity.

Authentic Customer Advocacy

Marketing teams can access genuine customer advocacy stories, enabling them to create authentic and relatable content that resonates with the target audience, fostering a deeper sense of connection and loyalty.

Inclusive Marketing Approach

Embrace an inclusive marketing approach by featuring diverse customer story-telling, perspectives, and ultimately building relationships far beyond your brand.

Foster Customer Engagement

Customer marketing teams can encourage customer engagement by showcasing how their experiences and feedback are valued, turning them into advocates who actively promote the brand, products, and services.

Data-Driven Decisions

Valuable insights into customer satisfaction, reference performance, and overall advocacy impact, enabling leadership to make data-driven decisions and optimize customer-centric strategies.

Improved Customer Experience

Leveraging customer advocacy enhances the customer experience, leading to increased retention rates and improved brand loyalty.

Competitive Advantage

By harnessing the power of customer references, leaders showcase the strength of their customer base, giving the company a competitive edge in the market and attracting potential clients.

Become An Early Adopter

Help us test the EarMarkz platform and be a key contributor to its success. We want your feedback because without you, there is no EarMarkz.